Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vivian's days in the NICU

Vivian spent 115 days in the NICU with a slight return after only 24 days home. She was sent home with A&B monitor, 1/4 liter of oxygen and a PEG style G-Tube. She was diagnosed with bilateral Grade IV IVH with progressive hydrocephalus which was treated with a VP Shunt. Vivian has sever BPD and had Stage III ROP in both eyes. Without having to rewrite our whole story you can read our caring bridge page here. This is a place where I wrote up dates for friends and family during our NICU stay. Since our days in the NICU I have learned so much about what I saw and experienced. I learned more about my daughter and her various issues from her discharge paperwork then I ever knew in the NICU. Although I am pretty glad that I did not know half of it.

I took hundreds upon thousands of pictures during our stay and you can view some of them here.